Willem de Kooning, an index upon published works

Codes of the included books and catalogues:

AC : Actual subjects, W. de K., educational booklet, Lelystad, 1989.
AE : Abstract expressionism: works on paper, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1991.
AH : The artist's hand: Drawings, 1937 to 1954, 2005.
AO1: Recent paintings 1983-86, Anthony d'Offay Gallery, Londen, 1986.
AO2: Paintings and sculpture, 1971-83, idem, Londen 1985.
AR : Artstudio no.18, Paris, 1990.
ASG1: De Koonings women, Allen Stone Gallery, New York, 1966.
ASG2: Liquefying cubism, Allen Stone Gallery, New York.
ASG3: Slipping glimpses, Allen Stone Gallery, New York.
ASG4: Drawings 1920s-1970s, Allen Stone Gallery, New York.
ASG5: Retrospective drawings 1936-1963, Allen Stone Gallery, New York, 1964.
ASG6: De Kooning/Cornell, Allen Stone Gallery, New York, 1964.
   (currently only some images via internet in my possession).
AZ : Willem de Kooning, Ammann fine art, Zurich, 1995.
BR : Brenda Richardson, Vellums, New York, 2002.
BH : Barbara Hess, De Kooning, Taschen series, 2004.
BS : Richard Shiff, Between sense and De Kooning, London, 2011.
BU : Postwar paintings from Brandeis University, 1987.
CA : De Kooning, Collection d'Art VII nr 10, Amsterdam, 1976.
CE : De Kooning centennial exhibition, Gagosian gall., New York, 2004,
   (currently only some images via internet in my possession).
CG : Contempo gallerie, Eindhoven, 1990.
CGM: Contempory great masters, Tokyo, ca. 2000.
CH : De Kooning/Chamberlain, influence and transformation, New York 2001.
CM : Catherine Morris. The essential Willem de Kooning, 2002.
CMA: Selected paintings and sculpture, 1964-1973. C&M Arts, New York, 2000.
CP : Willem de Kooning, Centre Pompidou, 1984.
DKE: De Kooning, publ, by Electa (only the cover in my possesion).
DM : Willem de Kooning, Dordrechts museum, 1979.
DS : Willem de Kooning, drawings and sculpture, Matthew Marks gallery, New York.
DW : Diane Waldman, Willem de Kooning, 1988.
E  : Diane Waldman, De Kooning in East Hampton, New York 1978.
EC : Eyewitness companions - art, London, 2005.
FT : Fuji television gallery, Tokyo, 1975.
GD : Gabriella Drudi, De Kooning, Milan, 1972.
   (currently only some images via internet in my possession).
GG : W. de K., 1941-1959, Gray Gallery, Chicago, 1974.
GH1 : Celebrating W. de K., Guild Hall, East Hampton 1994.
GH2 : W. de K., works from 1951-1981, Guild Hall, East Hampton.
GZ : H. Geldzahler, New York paintings and sculpture, New York, 1970.
H  : J. Zilczer, Hirschhorn Collection, New York 1993.
HG : Harry Gaugh, Willem de Kooning, 1994.
HJ : H. Janis, R. Blesh, De Kooning, New York, 1960.
HL : The Herbert Looser collection, 2012.
HR : Harold Rosenberg, De Kooning, New York, ca. 1975.
Int: Downloaded from internet
IS : I. Sandler, The triumph of American painting.
IV : In vollkommener Freiheit, Bremen, 1996.
JD : Willem de Kooning, Jean Dubuffet: The late works, New York, 1993.
JF : Judith Fox, De Kooning's door cycle. New York, 1996.
JM : W. de K., obras recientes, Fundacion Juan March, Madrid, 1979.
JP : Jackson Pollock, The Irascibles and the New York school, Milan, 2002.
JS : Julie Sylvester, Late paintings. St. Petersburg, 2006.
JW : The young W. de K., 1904-1926. Unprinted dissertation by Judith Wolfe, University of New York, 1996.
   The illustrations can only be seen at request, copies of the text are possible. The included reproductions are here
   taken over from the table of content.
JZ : Judith Zilcner. De Kooning. London/New York, 2014.
KB : De Kooning, paintings 1960-1980, Kunstmuseum Basel, 2005.
KC : De Kooning, January 1968 - March 1969, Th. Hess, Knoedler & Co., March 1969.
KG : De Kooning, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, 1990.
KK : Klaus Kertess, Drawing seeing/seeing drawing, 2002.
KR : Kunsthal Rotterdam, W de K., 2005.
KS : Katy Siegel, Willem de Kooning 1987 paintings, Matthew Marks gallery, New York.
KW : De Kooning, the women, works on paper 1947-1954, New York, 1995.
KZ : De Kooning, Zao Wou-Ki, Levy Gorky, 2017.
   (currently only a sample in my possession).
LB : The last beginning, Gagosian gallery, New York, 2007.
LG : Lanier Graham, The prints of Willem de Kooning, Paris, 1991.
LP : Willem de Kooning, The late paintings, San Francisco, 1998.
LM1: De Kooning, paintings 1975-1978, L&M Arts, New York, 2006.
LM2: De Kooning, paintings 1963-1974, L&M Arts, New York.
LM3: De Kooning, paintings 1981-1986, L&M Arts, New York, 2007.
MM : De Kooning, disgini etc., Studio Marconi, Milan, 1985.
MN : De Kooning landscapes (Garden in Delft), 1928-1988, Mitchell-Innes and Nash gallery, New York, 2004.
MNU: Willem de Kooning, figure and light. Mnuchin gallery.
   (currently only some images via internet in my possession).
MR : De Kooning, a retrospective, MoMA, New York, 2012.
MT: M. Tuchman. The New York school. 1970.
MW : Mostly women, The John and Kimiko Powers collection, Toronto, 2000.
NG : De Kooning, Northon Gallery of Art, West Palm Beach, 1976.
NI : De Kooning, drawings 1965-80, Niagara Galleries, Melbourne 1997.
OK : Onno ter Kuile, 500 years of Dutch painting.
P  : Willem de Kooning, Pittsburg International Series, 1979.
PD : Picasso's Dora Maar/de Kooning's women, C&M Arts, 1998.
PG1 : W. de K./Jean Dubuffet, The women, Pace Gallery, New York, 1991.
PG2 : W. de K., the figure: movement and gesture, Pace Gallery, New York, 2011.
PK1 : De Kooning, Paul Kantor Gallery, L.A. (Beverly Hills), 1961.
   (currently only some images via internet in my possession).
PK2 : De Kooning, Paul Kantor Gallery, L.A. (Beverly Hills), 1966.
PS : Ph. Sollers, De Kooning, Vite, Paris, 1988.
PT : De Kooning, Ten works. Paul Thiebaud gallery, San Francisco, 2005.
RC: Relaties & contrasten, Heerenveen, 2020.
RS : E. Lieber, Reflections in the studio, New York, 2000.
RSH: R. Shiff, Willem de Kooning, paintings 1983-4, New York.
S  : D. Sylvester and others, Willem de Kooning, Washington, 1994.
SC : W. de K., Smith College Museum of Art, 1965.
SJ1: The Sydney Janis painters, 1961.
SJ2: Recent paintings by W. de K., Sydney Janis Gallery, New York, 1962.
SJ3: Willem de Kooning, idem, New York, 1972.
SK : De Kooning, late paintings. Skarstedt, London, 2017.
SM1: Willem de Kooning, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1968.
SM2: The North Atlantic light, Amsterdam, 1983.
SM3: Stedelijk Museum.'60-'80, attitudes etc.
SM4: Stedelijk Museum. Op het tweede gezicht, 1979-1980.
SM5: Bulletin Stedelijk Museum 6/1999, Amsterdam, 1999.
SS : Stevens and Swan, De Kooning, an American master, New York, 2004.
SV : Stichting Veranneman, Kruishoutem, 1976.
TA : Thomas Amman fine art, Zurich 1999.
TF : Willem de Kooning, tracing the figure, LA, 2002
TH1: Thomas Hess, Willem de Kooning, New York, 1959.
TH2: Thomas Hess, Willem de Kooning, recent paintings, 1968.
TH3: Thomas Hess, Abstract painting, New York, 1951.
TH4: Thomas Hess, De Kooning Drawings, London, 1972.
TH5: Thomas Hess, Willem de Kooning, New York, 1968.
TP: Gagosian Gallery, Ten paintings by De Kooning, New York, 2013.
UL: Willem de Kooning, Abstract landscapes, New York, 1987.
UN: Willem de Kooning 1969-1978, University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art, 1978.
VF : Willem de Kooning, Institut Valencia d'Art Modern, Fundacion la caixa, 2001.
WA : De Kooning, drawings/sculpture. Walker art center, Minneapolis, 1974.
WM : Willem de Kooning, Whitney museum, 1983.
Y1 : S. Yard, W.de K., The first 26 years in New York, New York 1986.
Y2 : S. Yard, W.de K., 1997.
XF1: New paintings 1984-85, Xavier Fourcade, New York, 1985.
XF2: New paintings, sculpture and drawings, idem, New York, 1984.
XF3: De Kooning, idem, New York 1975.
XF4: New paintings, New York 1976.
XH: Works on paper, Xavier Hufkens, Brussels 2008.

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